Date: 26/07/2024
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Vacation planning can be fun and arduous at the same time! Once you’ve chosen your vacation destination, the decision making process begins. And there are MANY decisions to be made like how much to budget, where to stay, where to eat, sightseeing options, local entertainment and many more. Fortunately there are lots of websites available now with the single purpose of helping you find the right options to fit your vacation style! And.. unfortunately there are lots of website available now…. you get our point!


To save you hours and hours of digging through online articles about vacation planning, we’ve done the hard work and narrowed them down for you.



  1. Rome2Rio A comprehensive global trip planner that helps you get from a to b worldwide. You can enter any town, address or landmark as your destination and Rome2rio will instantly display flight, train, bus, ferry and driving options with estimated travel times and fares.

  2. Kayak searches the other travel sites, from online travel agencies to airlines, hotel and rental car websites and show you all the information you need to make the best travel decisions.

  3. Google Translate the easy way to translate quickly on international trips!

  4. Tripit Organizes your travel plans in one place. Finds alternative flights. Sends real-time alerts. Snags the best seat. They have something for every traveler.

  5. Millions of traveler reviews, photos, and maps from TripAdvisor. Know better. Book better. Go better.

  6. Be My Travel Muse Travel blog by Kristin Addis, a solo female traveler who has been traveling consecutively for two years. Packing tips, compelling reads and country guides.

  7. Lonely Planet Love travel? Plan and book your perfect trip with expert advice, travel tips, destination information and inspiration from Lonely Planet.

  8. Trip Hobo TripHobo’s trip planning platform serves as one-stop destination for all the travel needs- exploring attractions, creating itineraries and booking hotels, transportation and tours.

We hope this list of our favorite vacation planning websites is helpful to you. Also remember to choose and purchase the right travel insurance plan for your trip. We have everything you need to navigate that process here!